Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Buccella molossoides 'Owen' CHM/AOS

Buccella molossoides, or Masdevallia molossoides is a tiny plant with 3 cm leaves and flowers that are a little over 1 cm long.  It must be reasonably attractive, however, since my plant was awarded a Certificate of Horticultural Merit of 83 points by the American Orchid Society at the recent Northwest OS Show in Shoreline, Washington.  The species is from Costa Rica and Panama and is considered to be one of the more temperature-tolerant Masdevallias.  As can be seen from the pictures, the flowers' color and shape are rather hard to describe.  The plant blooms profusely for me, but was rather difficult to establish.  I grow it in live sphagnum in a small net pot, but perhaps it would do better mounted.

Random Orchid Images..

Another orchid images that I've accidentally found on a cover of a drawing block..

Satu lagi imej orkid yang OC secara tak sengaja terjumpa di kulit buku kertas lukisan..


This unidentified Cattleya orchid was represented in the form of line and dotted drawing technique. It was actually drawn in a black drawing pen and later altered on this cover in negative effect to contrast with the blue background..

Bunga Cattleya yang tak dapat dikenalpasti ini dilukis dengan menggunakan teknik garisan dan titik-titik. pada asalnya ia dilukis dengan pen lukisan berwarna hitam dan kemudiannya diolah semula dalam bentuk negatif supaya kontra dengan latar berwarna biru..

Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, 
but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex 
every time he looks at a flower. 
                                                                                       - Alan Kay

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Orchids : Blooming Recently..

Bunga-bunga pilihan daripada koleksi orkid OC yang berbunga baru-baru ini..

A selection of my orchids that blooms in my shade house..

 Cattleya Hybrid noID 

( Possibly Blc.Wainae Leopard crossings..)
This one has a very nice smell..

OC suka baunya yang sangat wangi..kalau letak dalam kereta,
satu kereta boleh bau wanginya..

Dendrobium crocatum

There are many variation in terms of markings on the lips 
and different shades of yellow-orange colouration.

Ada banyak varian Dendrobium ni, 
Oc ada beberapa jenis yang setiap satunya tak sama..
terutamanya dari segi warna dan marking pada lip nya

 Bc. Patricia DuQuesnay

Blooms for the first time since I bought the plant.

Ni OC beli 'belasah' aja sebab pokok import dari US, kira nasib la..agak-agak saja bunganya macam mana..Lepas beli baru balik rujuk internet, Ni pertama kali keluar bunga memang betul pokoknya tapi bunganya lain sedikit dari yang OC lihat di internet..Lip nya tu lah yang istimewa sikit..

 Dendrobium tangerinum

 Phalaenopsis violacea 

 Cattleya Hybrid noID.

 Coryanthes verruculineata

First flower since I've bought the plant, 
unfortunately it opens while I was in KL, its already started to wilt..
Hope to get picture of a fresh bloom within next flowering

Berbunga buat pertama kali sejak OC beli tahun lepas. 
Bunga ni kembang sekejap sahaja kira-kira 3 hari,
 jadi masa kembang tu OC di KL..Balik-balik dah nak layu..
Tak apalah lain kali berbunga lagi..
harap-harap dapat snap yang baru kembang..

Liparis rhombea

Jumellia comorensis

 Dendrobium Dawn Maree

Blc. Lucky Strike x Blc. Pink Diamond

 Spathoglottis Hybrid noID

 Lc. Wayndora x Cattleya Thospol Spot

Dendrobium anosmum

This variant, flowers while still retaining its leaves 
as you can see in the picture above. The cane is thinner than the usual anosmum. 
Non seasonal, flowers all year round..but not really floriferous as the seasonal ones. 
Leafless canes will not flower, instead producing keikis..

Varian ni hanya berbunga masa daunnya masih ada, 
tak macam jenisnya yang biasa kita jumpa. Batangnya pun kecil tak gemuk..
Berbunga sepanjang tahun tak ada musim.Batang yang dah tak ada daun tak akan berbunga, tumbuh keiki sahaja.. Tapi bunganya tak sebanyak macam yang batang 'togel' tu..OC tak sengaja jumpa pada sepohon pokok reput di KL..nasib baik OC ambil, sebab lepas tu OC pergi tempat yang sama pokok reput tu dah kena tebang..

Cattleya/Broughtonia hybrid noID.

First flowering..just a couple of them..
Hope to be more in the next flowering..

 Trichoglottis smithii

 Lc. Morning Glory

First flowering for me, after I save it from dying caused by fungus

Masa OC dapat cutting dulu OK. Tak sempat nak naik elok,
kena kulat, last-last tinggal batang kecil saja..puas jaga makan tahunlah juga,
sampai naik elok semula dan akhirnya berbunga, walaupun hanya dua kuntum..
Bila berbunga tu segala penat lelah kita jaga 'dia' berbalas..

 Cattleya Hybrid noID

Bulbophyllum macranthum

How does the Meadow flower its bloom unfold? 
Because the lovely little flower is free down to its root, and in that freedom bold.  
                                                                             - William Wordsworth

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Jalan-jalan cari orkid : Perlis Indera Kayangan

         Finally here's the new update, after spending a week in Kuala Lumpur..

        During the last Perlis Orchid Show, which I've updated earlier..My friends and I went to an orchid Nursery belongs to our friend Mr. Choe Kim Fah called  KB Horticulture..we were his regular customers, cause he kept a lot of species orchids. The nursery was located in a place called Kaki Bukit, on the way to Wang Kelian, Malaysia-Thai border.

        OC Sibuk betul bulan ni, baru balik dari mesyuarat di KL, sekarang baru sempat nak buat entri  terbaru..

        Masa Pertandingan orkid di Perlis yang lepas, OC dan geng sempat berkunjung ke KB Horticulture Nurseri milik En. Choe Kim Fah, seorang pesara guru. Beliau telah lama mengusahakan ladang orkid ni..selain orkid ada juga pokok-pokok buah-buahan yang ditanam sebagai hasil sampingan. Kami ni kira pelanggan tetaplah..Di nurseri ni terdapat banyak orkid jenis spesis..Lokasinya terletak di sebuah tempat bernama Kaki Bukit, jalan nak ke Wang Kelian. Sempadan Malaysia-Thai..

 Hoya multiflora

 Hoya carnosa

 Hoya australis

 Dendrobium cretaceum

 Phalaenopsis violacea

 Dendrobium Dawn Maree

 Dendrobium bracteosum            Dendrobium fredericksianum

Dendrobium tanii

Dendrobium crocatum and Dendrobium  panduriferum plants

Dendrobium Gatton Sunray                  Dendrobium farmeri

Coelogyne swaniana

Dendrobium albosanguineum

Renanthera hybrid

 Bulbophyllum dearei

Coelogyne pandurata

Dendrobium Burana

Diacattleya Chantilly Lace

Paphiopedilum niveum var Ang Thong

Paphiopedilum niveum plants

Grammatophyllum Jumbo Grand
(Grammatophyllum stapeliiflorum x Grammatophyllum martae)

Cattleya Sandra Turner

So..again we got a few plants for our collection..but not much, just a few cuttings..and few pots of orchids..

Biasalah kalau dah pergi tu mau tak mau amik jugak orkid..sempatlah OC beli beberapa pokok (beberapa saja tau..! he..he..) tak banyak sebab 'poket' tak mengizinkan,  lagipun ada pokok yang tuannya tak mahu jual..takpa kita cuba lain kali..

 By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower. 
                                                                          - Rabindranath Tagore