Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lepanthes, Jewels of the Orchid World

Lepanthes is a genus of orchids from Central and South America with well over 800 species in the genus. It is known for its colorful flowers, which are often very intricate, very odd-shaped and very colorful, though sometimes very small. The flowers can be several centimeters in size, but are often only a few millimeters. Even the tiniest flowers, however, are amazing when viewed under a magnifying glass, or photographed with a macro lens. They can well be thought of as the jewels of the orchid world.

L. escobarina

L. orion

L. niesseniae

L. ophioglossa and L. ingridiana

L. telipogoniflora

L. elegantula

L. caprimulgus

L. hirtzii

L. gargoyla

L. cochlearifolia and L. unidentified species

L. felix

L. discolor

L. pastoensis

L. velicata

L. stenophylla

L. agglutinata and L. meniscophora

L. calodyction

L. hirsuta

Note: the last two photos are not mine.  They are AOS awards photos and I have no idea who the photographers were.  If I am using them improperly I would be more than ready to apologize and remove them.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Orchid terms..

        Di kalangan peminat orkid sudah tentu kalau bersembang mesti ada perkataan berkenaan bahagian-bahagian pokok dan bunga orkid yang selalu kita sebut..masing-masing memang sudah faham dan kenal perkataan yang disebut tu..Tapi bagi mereka yang masih baru berjinak-jinak dengan dunia orkid ni ada beberapa perkataan asas yang mesti kita tahu..bukan apa, boleh guna masa bersembang nanti, nampak la pro sikit.. lagipun sebagai peminat orkid kita mesti tau istilah-istilah ini..

        As an orchid grower, it is helpful to carry knowledge about orchids so here are a few tips on terms to make you sound orchid savvy.

1. Column - the tiny, rounded, column-like extension between the two largest petals. The little guy is the central reproductive organ of the orchid flower..Kolum ialah bahagian berbentuk batang kecil terletak di bahagian tengah bunga. Ini adalah bahagian penting organ reproduktif bunga orkid.

2. Inflorescens- the flowering part of the plant. keseluruhan tangkai yang mengeluarkan bunga.

3. Keiki- a small plant growing from a node on the flower stem. Anak pokok yang tumbuh pada bahagian tengah atau atas batang orkid dan yang tumbuh pada tangkai bunga yang telah layu..

4. Lip - the part of the flower that is almost completely divided from the rest of the flower, however, it is connected by the column. The lip is specialized to aid in pollination. Bahagian di tengah bunga yang berbentuk corong yang 'terjuih' keluar dari bunga.. Fungsinya membantu proses pendebungaan..

5. Petal - the left and right 'wings' attached to the base of the column..Kelopak bunga orkid yang sebenar ada dua sahaja..iaitu yang berupa sepasang 'sayap' berada di kiri dan kanan pada bunga jika dilihat dari hadapan. 

6. Sepal - the outer segments on an orchid flower. Similar to petals, sepals are the three smaller segments of the flower that create a triangular shape. Tiga segmen di bahagian paling belakang bunga orkid yang menampakkan bentuk segitiga. selalunya warna dan corak kelihatan sama dengan petal.

7. Medium - the material added to an orchid's container, which can range from varieties such as soil to bark. Selalu kita sebut media, iaitu bahan perantara yang untuk pertumbuhan orkid di dalam pasu, contohnya arang atau sabut kelapa.

8. Pseudobulb - the pseudobulb is a storage organ derived from the part of a stem between two leaf nodes. Selalu kita sebut 'bulb' saja..ringkas sikit. Istilah dalam bahasanya ialah 'bebawang semu'. Bahagian ini adalah untuk orkid menyimpan air dan makanan.

9. Spike - a flower stalk. Tangkai bunga.

10. Throat - the inner portion of a tubular orchid lip, often quite colourful. Bahagian dalam lip orkid yang biasanya berwarna warni

          Kalau nak tahu secara ‘detail’ lagi boleh rujuk wikipedia atau buku. Ini adalah penerangan secara ringkas..sekadar untuk panduan umum bagi yang masih baru mengenal orkid..

         This ia a simple explanation of a basic words associated with orchids..For more detail and in-depth information you can refer to wikipedia or books..This is just for anyone who is still a beginner in the realm of orchids.

"Life is the flower for which love is the honey."
-  Victor Hugo 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Akar dan bunga..Leafless orchids

          Spesis orkid adalah antara spesis tumbuhan berbunga yang berbagai rupa, bukan setakat bunganya yang bermacam-macam bentuk dan warna tetapi juga dari segi pokoknya pun dah pelbagai.. Dalam banyak-banyak tu ada juga yang hanya akar sahaja yang nampak, daun tiada..tiba-tiba berbunga..memang menarik..Selalu yang sering kita tengok di sebelah rantau sini ialah spesis Chilochista, tetapi rupanya ada banyak lagi spesis yang kita kurang didedahkan..ada yang memang terliur jugak tengok..
           Orkid jenis ini terbahagi kepada 4 

           1.      Tidak berdaun
           2.      Bermusim (daun gugur pada masa tertentu)
           3.      Orkid tanah (daun gugur pada masa tertentu)
           4.      Orkid safrofit
         Tetapi yang saya akan fokuskan ialah orkid tidak berdaun dari jenis epifit..iaitu yang menumpang di atas tumbuhan lain..Semua jenis orkid ini tumbuh di kawasan tropika di seluruh dunia.
         Di antara Orkid epifit tidak berdaun ini mempunyai dua jenis iaitu pertama, yang memang tidak berdaun, daunnya menyusut dan hanya kelihatan seperti sisik-sisik kecil. Akarnya yang mengambil alih tugas daun menjalankan fotosintesis.. Kedua, yang mempunyai daun sementara ( biasanya bersaiz kecil dan bilangannya  sedikit), dan akan gugur pada masa tertentu.. Contohnya spesis asia pasifik seperti Chilochista dan Kingidium. Hampir kesemua orkid tidak berdaun ini daripada keluarga Vanda.
        Orchid is a flowering plants that comes in a variety of forms, not just the flowers but also for the plants itself. Within so many genus, tribes and sub-tribes, one of the most unique is the leafless types. Here in South East Asia the most commonly seen is Chilochista..apparently there are more species that are not so common or very seldom seen and some of it are really nice..

      There are four major classifications of leafless orchids :

           1.      Leafless epiphytes
           2.      Deciduous epiphytes (seasonally leafless)
           3.      Deciduous epiphytes (seasonally leafless)
           4.      Saphrophytes (not in cultivation)

       The leafless epiphytes are the main focus here. Leafless epiphytes are found in tropical regions around the world. While all ot the listed genera are described leafless, there are actually two major growth patterns. Some are truly leafless orchids, since they live entire lives without leaves. Their vestigial leaves have degenerated into small, scale like structurue called bracts. These have the entire phosynthetic process taking place in the green roots..which are specially adapted. The other genera have ephemeral leaves that are soon shed. This is specially true of some Asia Pacific genera such as Chilochista and Kingidium. Almost all of the leafless orchids are in vanda tribe.

And here are the species

1. Campylocentrum

 Campylocentrum Sp. Brazil

This genus of 96 species is found from Florida, the carribean, central America and South America. Not All members are leafless.

2. Chilochista

 Chilochista lunifera

The genus contains 23 species and is found from India and southern Asia into the island of the Pacific and Australia. Plants may have ephemeral leaves especially during summer growth..

3. Dendrophylax

 Dendrophylax lindenii

This genus of 11 species is found only in the Carribean. The latest research indicates that Polyrrhiza should be included in this genus.

4. Harrisella
 Harisella porrecta

This genus of four species is found in florida, Jamaica and cuba. DNA studies may relegate it into Campylocentrum or a Dendrophylax.

5. Kingidium

 Kingidium braceanum

This genus of ten species containing two subgenera is found in South EastAsia and it also was placed in Phalaenopsis and doritis at various times. The first subgenera has seven species and some taxonomists place it into the subgenus Aphyllae of Phalaenopsis. These are the leafless Kingidium. Growers report that some species in this genera are more of a deciduous nature only losing their leaves under stress or drought. Under the more benign conditions of cultivation, plants can retain their leaves year round. The other section is more closely related to Doritis and is placed in Phalaenopsis, subgenus Phalaenopsis, section deliciosae. The Genus Kingidium was added to Phalaenopsis

6. Microcoelia

Microcoelia stolzii

This genus contains 39 species and is found from Madagascar through tropical Africa. Gussonea is an older name for Solenangis and Microcoelia, sometimes still seen in trade. There are two major types of habitat, open thickets and deep forest.

7. Microtatorchis

 Microtatorchis oreophila

Found in the Pacific islands with a center of distribution in New Guinea, not all of the 16 species are leafless.

8. Solenangis

 Solenangis aphylla

This genus contains 39 species and is found from Madagascar through tropical Africa. Gussonea is an older name for Solenangis and Microcoelia, sometimes still seen in trade. There are two major types of habitat, open thickets and deep forest. Microtatorchis: Found in the Pacific islands with a center of distribution in New Guinea, not all of the 16 species are leafless.

9. Polyrrhiza

 Polyrrhiza funalis

Also known as Polyradicion, this genus has three to five species and is found in Florida and the Caribbean. All species are synonymous with Dendrophylax species, and initial DNA studies include them back into Dendrophylax.

10. Taeniophyllum

 Taeniophyllum obtusum

This genus of 218 species is found from India to Australia, and the Pacific islands in between. There are probably many duplicates, but further research will have to be done. There is also a single emigrant to Africa, T. coxii.

11. Vanilla

 Vanilla aphylla

This genus contains 186 species and is pan-tropical, found in the Americas, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific islands. However, not all species are leafless. Some of the leafless species are aphylla, barbellata, decaryana, and dilloniana.

12. Encheiridion

This genus is found only in Africa and is closely related to Mocrocoelia. Differing sources list it as having one to three species. (no picture)

13. Others

 Mystacidium gracile

Additionally, there are some other species which are reported to be leafless, such as Mystacidium gracile. However, Mystacidium gracile has leaves, but sheds them when stressed similar to leafless Phalaenopsis.

         Well thats about it..maybe in the future there will be more of the leafless orchid species being discovered. Such a unique plants indeed!

"The love of flowers is really the best teacher
of how to grow and understand them."
-  Max Schling

Friday, August 26, 2011

Talpinaria bivalvis 'Neal' HCC/AOS

This plant, recently reclassified, is from Ecuador.  Formerly classified as Pleurothallis talpinaria, it is now reclassified due to the breaking up of that massive genus, as Talpinaria bivalvis.  The plant is 11-12 cm tall and quite slow growing, producing only a few new growths each year.

The flowers are 1.5 cm tall and are produced singly or in pairs throughout the year, with a flush a new flowers in the spring.  The growth continue to produce flowers over a very long period of time.   When awarded this spring it had had thirty-three flower and nine buds on a relatively small plant.

This plant was awarded a High Class Certificate by the American Orchid Society at the Mount Baker Orchid Society Show this spring.  It has the clonal name, 'Neal,' for our handicapped son, and has a prized place among my miniature orchids.