Friday, August 19, 2011

Jalan-jalan cari orkid : Thailand..

           Jom ke Thailand..kali ni pi Hatyai ja...Kita ke ekspo Mo'o (macam tu la kut ejaannya dalam bahasa Malaysia..) Ekspo Mo'o ni memang dibuat setiap tahun biasanya dalam minggu ke-2 bulan Ogos. Sudah beberapa tahun saya 'n' geng dah pergi buat lawatan tergempar..rasanya ni dah kali ke-5..Yang menariknya di ekspo ni macam.macam ada...daripada jentera pertanian, perabot kayu, haiwan peliharaan, makanan/snek tempatan, tumbuhan hiasan, produk tembikar. Kereta pun ada!..Ekspo ni diadakan di dalam kawasan kampus Universiti Prince Of Songkhla..di pinggir bandar Hatyai..Dugaan sungguh la pergi berjalan di bulan puasa ni..tapi demi orkid mau tak mau kena pi jugak..he..he..

          Ok folks..lets go to Thailand..This time me and my friends get the opportunity to visit Mo'o expo in Hatyai..which is an annual event situated inside the campus of Price of Songkhla University..This is our 5th times here, so what attracts us to go there is of course orchids!. Thailand is famous with its agricultural products. Orchids is one of them. Usually the expo was held on the second week of August..besides orchids there are myriads of other things such as agricultural machinery, wood based furniture, pets, local food/snacks, pottery, plants and even cars!

Ni la signboard nak pi Hatyai..ha..ha..
sebenarnya ni pelekat peti sejuk..ole-ole dari Thailand..

Setiap kali kami datang sini, semakin besar eksponya..orang pun makin ramai. Agaknya dah makin terkenal Nak cari parking pun susah..kena pusing-pusing dulu..

Everytime we came here the expo is getting bigger..Its hard to find a parking space..

Cari apa bang? Orkid tak leh jual kat abang tau..dah abis orang beli..! 
Dah, dah.. jom balik ! he..he..

 Ni la stail display pokok orkid di sini.. di gantung pada pokok untuk menarik pembeli 
mengunjungi gerai mereka..

Variety of orchids on display on a attract visitors.

Besides orchid there's also other garden and house plants such as this multicoloured gerberas..

Pokok-pokok hiasan lain pun banyak..Ini adalah pokok bunga gerbera ( rasanya tak ramai yang tau nama bunga ni..) atau  nama lainnya ialah daisy Afrika..

Paphiopedilum hybrids on display.

 I think this is for the live demonstration on how to plant paphios..

Agaknya ini untuk buat demo cara-cara nak tanam paphio..

Ini namanya Cymbidium Golden Vanguard..Bunganya besar, nampak macam Golden Elf (memang kacukan Golden elf pun..) tapi kalau masuk buat perbandingan kedua-duanya memang jauh panggang dari api..Heat tolerant..

I've seen this hybrids a few years back.. but only now that I've found it being sold..Cymbidium Golden of the parents is the heat tolerant Cymbidium Golden Elf. The flowers are much larger.

Other houseplants..this is a blue fern.. I called it. Somebody had said to me that this is originated from Vietnam. I don't know what species it is, haven't had time to search on the internet yet, but nevertheless, It is quite stunning in terms of the really metallic blue sheen on the surface of the leaves. The leaves are dark green in colour.. This photo doesn't do it justice. Though you can see the bluish sheen a little bit. You just have to see it yourself.. 

Ini ialah sejenis paku pakis yang lain dari yang lain. sebabnya lapisan atas daunnya mempunyai berwarna biru metalik, tambah-tambah lagi bila kena cahaya..Cantik..walaupun bentuk daunnya tak begitu menarik. Dalam gambar ni memang tak nampak sangat. kena tengok live. Teringin gak nak beli..Ah.. tapi lain kali la, ada lagi..kat Malaysia pun ada jual tapi jarang jumpa..nanti banyak la tu..

 Ini koleksi pokok pokok lendair, bukan kaktus tau..ada yang kata ini pun kaktus tapi sebenarnya salah..
Warna-warnanya memang menarik..macam-macam jenis hijau dok ada..

This is some of the succulents waiting to be sold..Love the many shades of greens there..

This is a nice container display..combining cactus and succulents. They just blends well together..there are contrast in shapes, forms, colours and textures that makes this arrangements very pleasant to look at..

Ha..kalau rajin boleh la buat 'container display' macam ni..kombinasi kaktus dengan pokok lendair memang 'masuk'..

Selalu dok tangkap gambar pakai hand set yang high resolution, sebelum nak datang sini, Alamak! handset dah jadi akuarium..terendam dalam besen..arrgh..nasib badan..dugaan bulan puasa..sendiri yang 'careless'..Abis tu terpaksa la pakai handset yang la hasil gambar nya..blur sana, blur sini..low resolution, tak apa la janji bleh la nampak juga..Ini ialah spesis bromeliad dari Amerika Selatan daunnya berbintik-bintik, macam kena penyakit la pulak..tapi sebenarnya memang daunnya macam tu..

This is a bromeliad with a spotted leaves..looks like its diseased, but its not.

Spesis dan hibrid Heliconia. Ada yang panggil bunga sepit ketam, ada jugak panggil sepit udang..
mana-mana pun boleh..

Heliconias on display..

 Blue waterlilies for sale..the yellow colouration in the center of the flower adds to the contrast..

Teratai biru..kuning di tengah-tengah tu menambahkan lagi kontras warnanya..

Di sini ada pelbagai warna bunga teratai, ini hanya sebahagian sahaja, macam-macam warna merah jambu, ungu, putih, kuning..pilih mana berkenan..tapi saya tengok saja la..

Another waterlilies, there are many colours to choose from, shades of yellows, pinks, whites, purples and so on..even the mutated petal ones..

At last we manage to grab a few things( a few, really? lol )

Akhirnya dua hari pi sana dapat la 'sambar' sedikit sebanyak (sedikit? ha..ha..) mana yang berkenan di hati..
Jumpa lagi di edisi jalan-jalan yang seterusnya..

The world is full of people who never quite get into the first team 
and who just miss the prizes at the flower show. 
Jacob Bronowski

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