Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jalan-jalan cari orkid : Kuala Lumpur 2

       Entri ni adalah sambungan daripada yang lepas..Lepas abis pi Hourai nurseri tu sempat lagi singgah di ladang orkid Lum Chin pulak..'koyak' la poket lagi..tapi tak apa orkid punya pasal..tak ada duit nak makan, ambil orkid buat sayur...

      This is the continuation of my orchids shopping 'adventure' in Kuala Lumpur recently..

 Nurseri ni sangat luas..Memang jual orkid sahaja..kiri, kanan, atas, bawah semua orkid..
saujana mata memandang.. 

This is a large farm..anywhere you look there are orchids everywhere..

 Anak.anak orkid dijaga dan tersusun rapi di atas rak dawai..

Orchids neatly hung on a wire mesh.

 Antara hibrid Cattleya..Ada juga orkid spesis yang lain..

A Cattleya hybrid.

 Epicattleya Kyoguchi..Yang ini dah ambil buat koleksi..he..he..

This pretty baby is absolutely mine !..

 Sumber utama nurseri ini ialah penghasilan orkid keratan untuk pasaran komersil..

Most of the orchids grown here are for the cut flower trade..

 Penat la jugak berjalan di ladang orkid ni..panas pulak tu..iklim khatulistiwa panas dan lembab..

It is hot and humid here, well..living in the tropics..

  Acanthephippium javanicum, baru ditanam. 

A group of newly planted Acanthephippium javanicum, a terresterial orchid..

 Oncidium Sharry Baby..

 Brassavola Little Star

 Anak-anak orkid yang masih kecil dan yang di dalam botol..

Orchid seedlings in a flask above the already planted ones..

Vanda bergantungan tunggu dibeli..

A row of hanging vandas waiting to be purchased..

Kalau nak belek orkid satu hari tak cukup di sini, jadi terkam saja la apa yang nampak..

One day is not enough, if you want to search for everything..
time was not on my side that day..anyway still got a few plants that I really want..

Thanks again Mr. Saiful..you've made my day..!

One marked feature of the people, both high and low, is a love for flowers.
- Robert Fortune

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