Monday, January 9, 2012

Taiping Monthly Orchid Show 2012

          The first orchid show for 2012 was held on the 8th of January, in Taiping, Perak. As usual it was organized by Taiping Orchid Society, The show was located at the usual venue, that famous Taiping landmark the Lake Garden. Apparently it attracts all orchid enthusiasts from surrounding place, and even a few from Penang, and Kedah. This is just a small and simple orchid competition, held for only a day.. so most of the entries are from the committee members and few from Penang. 

Lets take a look..

           Pertandingan orkid yang pertama bagi tahun 2012, telah diadakan pada 8 januari lalu di Taman Tasik Taiping. Seperti biasa ia dianjurkan oleh Persatuan Orkid Taiping, yang sememangnya antara persatuan orkid yang aktif menganjurkan pertandingan di negeri Perak. Pertandingan bulanan ini kecil sahaja, kebanyakan peserta adalah di kalangan ahli persatuan dan ada juga beberapa orang dari Pulau Pinang..perandingan bulanan ni biasanya cuma satu hari saja..

Seperti biasa tengoklah gambar-gambar di bawah..

         The first three sets of pictures that I've taken of a beautiful scenery surrounding the Taiping Lake Garden..this is one of the places in Malaysia that I truly love, especially the the avenue of a rain trees along the lakeside..very lush and it gives a distinctive image of the lake garden. 

Now back to orchid..

         Tiga gambar yang pertama ni, saja saya rakamkan untuk menambahkan seri pos buat kali ini. Taman Tasik Taiping ni memang antara tempat-tempat di Malaysia yang saya paling suka..pokok-pokok 'rain tree' di sepanjang jalan memberi imej yang tersendiri..kehijauan yang mendamaikan..

Ok, kembali kepada pertandingan orkid semula..

         Usually during the show in Taiping there's always a members from the orchid society selling their excess plants..

         Selalunya semasa pertandingan mesti ada ahli persatuan yang menjual orkid untuk yang nak menambahkan koleksi..Banyak juga gambar, tak ada masa nak tulis ID pokok-pokok ni, jadi sesiapa nak tahu boleh tinggalkan mesej di ruangan komentar..

        There are quite a lot of pictures, I've got no time to type the plant ID, but if you want to know,  just leave a comment.. 

        Banyak juga gambar, tak ada masa nak tulis ID pokok-pokok ni, jadi sesiapa nak tahu boleh tinggalkan mesej di ruangan komentar..

 The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises. - Leo Buscaglia

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