Saturday, May 5, 2012

Banknotes, Coins and Orchids..

Have you ever take a closer look at banknotes.? Apart from the value they carry, other interesting aspect about it was the design. Every banknotes have somewhat familiar but very distinctive design,  each one gives us a small insights to the country they represents..The design itself will include some elements that makes each and every particular country special or unique.

          Personally I would like to think that the design of banknotes itself as a way of one country to show patriotism, love and appreciation of local culture, architecture, flora and fauna or history. All elements was seamlessly arranged and designed. So in my opinion, indirectly banknotes can be some sort of 'little ambassador' to promote countries they represents to foreigners.

          If you look closely at any banknotes you could find a lot of interesting features that has been printed on it..from both sides. The common images in banknotes design for most countries are flora and fauna. Flowers being one of the most popular. so among many flowers, orchids were certainly included. Lets take a look at all these banknotes from various country that feature orchids in their design..

Kalau dapat wang kertas, terutamanya keluaran terbaru OC selalu belek-belek tengok 'gambar' apa yang ada di depan dan belakang..Banyak imej yang boleh diteliti. Pada OC wang kertas ni pun boleh dianggap sebagai 'duta kecil' untuk sesuatu negara, sebab elemen-elemen tentang keunikan sesebuah negara itu dicetak di atas wang kertas mengikut keunikan negara masing-masing.

         Dalam banyak-banyak 'benda' yang dicetak di atas duit tu, antara yang paling popular ialah gambar bunga. Kalau bunga ni tentu orkid tak terlepas punya..Jadi OC pun teringat dulu ada satu wang kertas Malaysia yang ada bunga orkid. Dan sambil-sambil tu OC cari di internet wang kertas negara mana lagi yang ada gambar orkid..jadi dapatlah OC kumpul sedikit sebanyak gambar-gambar matawang dari negara lain yang menampilkan bunga orkid.


I think that Singapore has the most banknotes that features orchid. They surely loved the flower. In fact that their national flower is Vanda Miss Joachim. No doubt that orchids were the most celebrated flowers in Singapore. Below theres a series of Singapore's orchid featured banknotes then and now in no particular order.

Pertama sekali Singapura, banyak juga siri matawang mereka yang mempunyai imej orkid. Lagipun orkid juga adalah bunga kebangsaan Singapura iaitu Vanda Miss Joachim. Jadi tak hairanlah kalau orkid adalah bunga yang menjadi perhatian di sana. OC perhatikan yang jenis-jenis orkid yang ditampilkan adalah jenis kacukan yang dihasilkan di sana. Maaf kalau silap..OC tak sempat nak cari 'detail' dan tak susun ikut tarikh keluaran..Apa pun silalah 'menjamu mata' dengan gambar-gambar di bawah..

Malaya and British Borneo

The 1953 Malaya and British Borneo Queen Elizabeth II $1000 and $10000 notes which features very much stylized Paphiopedilum flowers.

In matawang zaman British tahun 1953. Ada gambar Paphiopedilum. OC tak dapat kenalpasti jenis apa, sebab dah terlalu 'berbunga' sangat.


An old banknotes of DE JAVASCHE BANK. Issued in 1948 which featured Phalaenopsis amabilis(?)

Ini matawang yang digunakan di Indonesia zaman pemerintahan Belanda. Orkid yang menjadi pilihan ialah Phalaenopsis amabilis(?). OC letak tanda soal sebab tak berapa pasti dengan ilustrasi orkid tu.


This is the only Malaysian banknotes designs which feature orchids, a vanda intergeneric hybrid at the back of this RM100 notes.  Issued in 1995-1998.

Inilah wang kertas Malaysia yang OC masih ingat ada gambar orkid tu. Jenis orkidnya OC tak pasti cuma yang OC pasti ia adalah kacukan 'multigeneric' terutamanya Vanda, Arachnis,dan Renanthera. Wang kertas ini adalah keluaran tahun 1995 hingga 1998.


This banknotes was issued in 2005 features Jumellia species and Calanthe.

Ini matawang dari Kepulauan Comoros. Dua jenis orkid yang boleh kita nampak ialah spesis Jumellia dan Calanthe.


This 50 Rupees notes from Seychelles which features Angraecum eburneum.

Spesis Angraecum eburneum ini ditampilkan pada not 50 rupee dari Kepulauan Seychelles.

Costa Rica

 A Costa Rican banknote for five colones. It shows Rafael Yglesia Castro, president of Costa Rica from 1894 to 1902 and a Guaria Morada orchid (Guarianthe skinneri), Costa Rica's national flower. The current series of banknotes is being replaced throughout 2010.

Wang kertas dari Costa Rica menampilkan bunga kebangsaan mereka iaitu Guarianthe skinneri (dulu Cattleya skinneri)


The country is the smallest sovereign state in terms of area and population in South America and is the only Dutch-speaking nation in the Western Hemisphere that is not a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This is one of their banknotes that features Cattleya orchid.

Ini pula matawang negara Surinam. Ada juga gambar orkid, tetapi OC tak pasti Cattleya jenis apa.

...and few coins from various country..

...dan beberapa keping duit syiling...


Cymbidium goeringii was portrayed on this coin. In China they are among the most celebrated species besides Cymbidium ensifolium.

Cymbidium goeringii adalah antara cymbidium yang digemari di China selain Cymbidium ensifolium.


Phalaenopsis and Cattleya on this Taiwan coins

OC tak pasti jenis Phalaenopsis dan Cattleya pada dua pasang duit syiling Taiwan ini.


Vanda sanderiana on Philippine's coin. Their new national flower besides jasmine.

Vanda sanderiana, merupakan bunga kebangsaan Negara Filipina yang terbaharu selain daripada bunga melur.

For happiness one needs security, 
but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair. 
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh

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